
IR Perfectium™ Lens

The New IR Perfectium™ lens is the highest quality glass lens ever seen in Archery.  Feather Vision worked with ZEISS, a pioneer in optics, borrowing from the research and development in ophthalmic lenses, to deliver the highest level of optical refraction available.  The optical material class selected for the IR Perfectium™ provides the highest level of clarity and overall optical quality.

The IR Perfectium™ has been engineered and customized in design.  The combination of engineering and innovation allows the lens curvature to be adjusted to visually enhance any target.  Whether you’re a 3D archer or outdoor shooter the game will never be the same.

Lens Power: +.25, +.50, +.62, +.75, and +1.00 Diopter
DSA Dot Size: .040”, .050”, .060”, .070”, .080”, .090”, .100”, .115”, .125”
DSA Fiber Size: .015”, .020”, .030”, .040”
Custom Etching – Any in-house Pattern

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